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Updated: 4th April 2020 

We understand the challenges posed by COVID-19. For many, this can be a stressful and unsettling time. 

Our priority is always the health and wellbeing of our team and our residents. All Unilife managed Student accommodation halls of residence are operational, and our team are at hand should any resident require assistance. We continue to follow government advice, and we are continuously reviewing our processes and policies to adapt them to the current changing environment.   

You can follow this link for up to date information on the NHS.  

Information from the UK government is also  available here

The social distancing rules are critical to stopping the spread of the virus. We all must follow  the  instructions  set out by the Government. There are several reminders around your building.

You are now only allowed to leave your Studio for the following reasons:

  • Shopping for necessities, for example, food and medicine, which must be as infrequent as possible. If you need any help finding the closest shops or are experiencing difficulties with any essential items, do let the team in your building know so that they can provide advice and assistance.  

  • One form of exercise a day, for example, a run, walk, or cycle – alone or with one other member of your household if going outside.   

  • Any medical need, or to provide care or to help a vulnerable person. 

  • Travelling to and from work, but only where work cannot be done from home.  

These four reasons are exceptions. Even when doing these activities, you should be minimising time spent outside of the home  and ensuring you are two metres apart from anyone outside of your household. 

The  isolation  measures will be temporary but may be enforced by the police through fines. 

Please find full guidance is  here. 

We have modified several aspects of the operation, including: 

  • Our senior team is continuously reviewing our policies. We follow government advice and seek guidance from health authorities. Your City Manager will be able to clarify most queries, and we will continue to communicate to all when there are changes. 
  • We have implemented an enhanced cleaning regime. The cleaning regime includes sanitising (several times per day) of all high communal touchpoints such as handrails, door handles, and push buttons 
  • We have cancelled all of our social events until at least 30th April 2020. Follow our social media for online activities, such as regular Gym Exercises to join in from your Studio, Q&A sessions with the team, and other fun activities.
  • No guests are allowed in your Studio.  
  • We have placed strict conditions for the use of the Gym – only one person for no more than 30 minutes. You must use the sanitising products provided before and after use. 

  • We have adjusted the offering of breakfast to individually packed items.  

  • We are requesting all of our residents to follow  government guidance on social distancing for everyone in the UK and protecting older people and vulnerable adults. Government guidance is updated here

You should self-isolate immediately  following the guidance here. You should also contact your City Manager via e-mail or by calling the Emergency line 07702 903315. You will have to isolate yourself for 14 days. 

You should contact your City Manager via e-mail or by calling the Emergency line 07702 903315 and let us know who that person may be. We will contact them to check on their wellbeing and provide guidance and assistance.  

You can continue to live in your room. Our team will be contacting you regularly to check on your wellbeing and offer support and assistance.  

Advice from the Government at the moment means that moving out of accommodation is not considered essential travel. If this advice continues at the end of your contract, we will get in touch to arrange an extension.  

For international students on student Visas, The Government has also adjusted the Student Visa legislation. You can view the new policies here. If you have specific questions and can’t find the answer to your Visa query, please e-mail the Home Office

If you have left the city and do not intend to return, please let us know at least three days before your next rental instalment is due by completing this form. We will defer the instalment pending further advice from the Government.  

The information from the Department for Education is as follows: 

The Government’s advice is that students remaining at University in England should now stay where they are and not attempt to travel. If they are living in student halls, or private rented accommodation, they should remain there and remain indoors while current restrictions are in force. As the Prime Minister said, staying put and remaining indoors are now crucial to slow the rate of transmission of COVID-19, to protect the NHS from being overwhelmed, and save the lives of fellow citizens. 

Your room will be available for you to return before the end of your contract if it is safe to do so under government guidelines. 

If you have friends  or family  who  can  collect your belongings,  you  may  permit them to  do  so  once  strict social distancing measures are lifted. 

You  may  also arrange  for  a courier  or a  shipping  company  to collect your belongings. Some  of these  services may be able  to  securely  store  your belongings  until you can safely  collect  them, or  arrange shipment back to your home address.  Seven Seas Worldwide is a company who provide such services to students  – you can find their details  here 

If you intend for  someone else to collect your belongings, please let us know  their  details, and the time/date they expect to arrive, at least 48 hours before their arrival. E-mail us to [email protected]

We  can not take responsibility for any lost or damaged items caused during collection/removal  of  your belongings. If you have left perishables in your Studio or your fridge and would like them removed before your return, let us know, and we will dispose of them safely.

We are in constant communication with  all of  our  university partners,  and  there is nothing to suggest that the 2020/21 academic year will be delayed at this stage.

If you have a booking with us for 2020/21, no action is required from you at this point.

If you have not already left your Studio, the information from the Department for Education is as follows: 

The Government’s advice is that students remaining at University in England should now stay where they are and not attempt to travel. If they are living in student halls, or private rented accommodation, they should remain there and stay indoors while current restrictions are in force. As the Prime Minister said, staying put and remaining indoors are now crucial to slow the rate of transmission of COVID-19, to protect the NHS from being overwhelmed, and save the lives of fellow citizens. 

If you have left the city and do not intend to return, please let us know at least three working days before your rent is due by completing this form. We will defer the instalment pending further advice from the Government. 

According to the Minister of State for Universities, The Student Loans Company (SLC) is planning to make Term 3 payments as scheduled. Tuition Fee payments and maintenance payments will be made on the scheduled dates. 

If you have been in paid employment, you may be able to participate in the Government's new Coronavirus Retention scheme, do get in touch with your employer. It includes part-time and zero-hour contracts.  

We do not want any of our residents to have undue worries at this time. If despite the advice above, you find yourself in financial hardship, we want to help. Just complete this form as soon as you find yourself in worry so that we can offer advice and support. If your instalment is in the future, we may be able to defer payments. If you are currently behind on your rent, we can explore other options with you, including applications to University hardship funds or creating personal payment plans.

Still have questions?

Our friendly team are available to answer your questions via whichever method suits you best.

Contact our team